Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Evaluation planning question 1 progress

Screen shots
At the beginning a variety of camera shots are used but you can’t really see them in detail due to the cutting rate being very fast to fit in with the beat at the beginning of the rap.

This is showing a brief introduction of the artist and small previews of the filming of this music video.

We see a change in RGB when the word ‘Evil’ is lip synced and it gives a good effect and really catches he audiences eyes as our group discovered when we received audience feedback from our class.
The main colour assumed with evil is red so that’s why it is one of the colours used in this effect so it can link and relate to the lyrics, also we needed another colour to compliment it so we just chose blue to contrast with the evil as blue can be seemed as the ‘Good Guy’ colour.

Mise en scene
To add a more realistic aspect to the video we included props/costume to match the lyrics so for instance ‘Brothers on the corner selling crack like it was nada though’ we used a small see through plastic bag filled with flour.

The meaning of selling crack in context was that it was part of their life style due to the word ‘nada’ which mean nothing as if was a day to day routine.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Finished Advert

Here is my finished advert which again i've tried to add a similar fuzz/3D effect to keep with the consistency of all the other print products, in addition to my last work in progress I added important things such as the title and date, and i'm not sure if most adverts have this but I have included a brief rating/review on the front so as to make it more appealing for people to buy.